Join Engella, Ayla and Christopher in this metaphysical adventure that will challenge your perception about everything that surrounds us.
Book cover by Marcus Castro
The year is 2019 and the future of humanity hangs by a thread. Dr. Frank Cutler has convinced the most powerful corporate oligarchy that he holds the secret to securing their power for generations. But Engella Iblis stands in their path. With nothing more than a makeshift army and a band of eager villagers, will she be able to stop Dr. Cutler’s evil projects? Dive into the pages of Cosmic Consciousness, where science and spirituality meld into a metaphysical novel as well as a boisterous adventure filled with twists that will keep you captivated until the end.
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The creation of Cosmic Consciousness went through many changes as it grew. When I write a new story, I often start with short stories that take place in the universes I create.
With that in mind, I wanted to share with you two short stories that lift the veil on Engella and Frank's lives right before Cosmic Consciousness starts.
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Welcome to the back page of the Cosmic Consciousness web site, where you’ll find a loose blend of the elements I used as research. I didn’t include the many books that I read to build the philosophy behind the story, simply because they weren’t read with the intention of explicitly writing this manuscript. I just pulled certain key elements from them. I’ll leave it up to you if you want to delve deeper into the different perspectives presented here. I did however leave some web links that were used to either confirm an information or find specific elements of reality I could incorporate into the story to get you going if you so desire.
The collective unconscious
Carl Gustav Jung, a swiss psychotherapist, coined the term “collective unconscious” to designate a part of the mind that contains memories and impulses that are invisible to the individual mind. It is distinct from personal unconscious, which is formed from the life experience of the individual. According to Jung, the collective unconscious contains archetypes, otherwise known as universal primordial images and ideas that are shared with all of humanity.
Wolfgang Pauli, an Austrian-Swiss theoretical physicist, was responsible for bringing Jung’s theory into science. He’s responsible for the Pauli exclusion principle, which states; No two electrons (or other fermions) can have the identical quantum mechanical state in the same atom or molecule (https://www.britannica.com/science/Pauli-exclusion-principle). His input into the science of quantum physics was both grandiose and strange. His general demeanor and strong desire for perfection had him nicknamed “the conscience of physics”.
They met when Pauli consulted with Jung during a personal crisis. Pauli had just divorced, and soon after his mother committed suicide when she learned of his father’s infidelities. Jung immediately began to focus on Pauli’s highly meaningful dreams, which Pauli accepted with zeal, becoming one of Jung’s best depth psychology students (https://www.pacifica.edu/about-pacifica/what-is-depth-psychology/). After a time, Pauli challenged Jung’s theory scientifically. The clarity this created for Jung made way for the theory known as synchronicity. Their exchanges lasted for 25 years, until Pauli’s death. (Atom and Archetype: the Pauli/Jung letters 1932-1958).
Their relationship turned to a collaboration, as they were keen on exploring fundamental questions about the true nature of reality through the dual lens of physics and psychology. Each using their own expertise, their collaboration led to finding a common analogy between particle science and human existence; The atom, with its nucleus and orbiting electrons, and the self, with its central conscious ego and its ambient unconscious.
In 1952, Carl Jung introduced the notion of synchronicity; which holds that “events are meaningful coincidences if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.” In his book, Jung included Pauli’s exclusion principle, given that synchronicities happen in acausal moments.
Where they explored these notions in the realm of science and psychology, I chose to expand toward spirituality by merging these notions with shamanistic notions.
Engella's quest
The Castaneda influence
Engella’s character was born from the philosophy of Carlos Castaneda, more precisely the notions of lucid dreaming he explored, merged with ancient notions of cosmic connections that were prevalent in ancient times. A time when many held a strong belief in the notion of a tree of life, a tree that bestows its power on our souls, nourishing and teaching.
Carlos Castaneda was an anthropological student at UCLA when he met Don Juan Matus, a Yaqui “man of knowledge” and began to follow his teachings. From this came the first three books; “The teachings of Don Juan: a Yaqui way of knowledge”, “A separate reality” and “Journey to Ixtlan”. The three books were part of Castaneda’s research log, from which he was awarded his bachelor and doctorate degrees. There has been debate among scholars about the veracity of Castaneda’s claims, the main argument being that Castaneda had no field notes, which was very unusual for an anthropologist. But his writings live on nonetheless, and whether they be fictional or not, they have given birth to a program called tensegrity. It’s a modern version of something called “magical passes”, a series of positions and movement of body and breath that were practiced by Yaqui shamans.
Although there is much to ponder regarding the claims made by scholars as to the fictitious nature of his writings, it’s clear he has had a major impact on the collective psyche. That notion, combined with Jung’s theory on the collective unconscious, is why I chose to take some inspiration from there.
Magical Passes by Carlos Castaneda. Harper Perennial 1998
The tree of life
In ancient civilisations, the tree of life was an important part of society. The most common variations were the tree of knowledge, which connects heaven and earth, and the tree of life, which connects all forms of creation. The one present in Cosmic Consciousness is the latter. More specifically, it is based on the Celtic and Norse versions of the tree. Borrowing from the Norsemen, Celts saw the tree as an all-encompassing realisation of life. It protects and nourishes (life giver), it’s rooted in the ground yet reaches for the sky (heaven and earth). The central tenant behind its existence is that all life is connected. The Celts even believed the first human came from the tree. The tree was a symbol of strength, wisdom and longevity. It also represented rebirth, as shown by the cycle it follows according to the seasons.
Many other cultures celebrated a version of this tree, among them were the Mayans and the Egyptians and included many others. The tree also has bearing in Christianity, where it’s represented as the one planted in the garden of Eden.
Engella discovers what happens when the power of the tree of life is merged with the knowledge of a Yaqui sorcerer to connect our collective unconscious with the cosmos. The events as described in the book are naturally fictitious, but wouldn’t it be nice if it were true?
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DNA manipulation
Frank Cutler’s dream is rooted in recent discoveries in DNA manipulation. Many advancements have been made regarding the possible treatment of genetic disorders. One of the most notorious methods is known as the CRISPR method. It’s an acronym that stands for clusters of regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. The tool is designed to identify and replace malicious strands of DNA to, among other things, reinforce the immune system. Since 2012, there have been major advancements in the feasibility of this method. One of the most serious advances that is being done in putting into practice the theories attaches to this research is the advent of machinery that can precipitate gene analysis.
The type of hypnotism I presented in the book does not exist. I chose to expand on the notion you can heighten someone’s awareness to extreme levels.
Plus, there have been many attempts to attain the level of hypnosis Frank Cutler has on his subjects by governmental institutions for generations.
(https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/hypnosis-the-power-trance/201509/is-total-mind-control-possible). The book is a combination of those two theories, hopefully to a level that is satisfactory to the reader.